Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rachel's first haircut

We finally did it! Rachel had her first haircut. I've been trying to convince her for a few months to get a haircut. It was getting so hard to comb. She remembers not having hair until she was two years old and hasn't wanted to part with it. When I asked her recently to cut it, she said "Mom, it took me 100 years to grow my princess hair!" But after some pretty bad bedhead a few days this week, she asked me to cut it. So today was the day! Both she and Kate got cuts. I cut off about 8 inches from both of them. I wasn't intending to cut Rachie's hair so short, but she moved during a cut and short it is. Now that it is done I actually really like it. I think she'll get used to it soon, at least I hope.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey! Rachel's hair looks cute. I'm impressed. Technically, I'm not "allowed" to cut my girls' hair. I always end up messing it up big tim. Tell her we love it. We need to have Rachel over soon. Every time we drive by Hamden High, Katelyn yells, "there's Rachel's school!"