Monday, March 16, 2009

Family Home Evening Funnies

The girls have been doing great at reminding us to have family home evening. They love to plan everything. This week Rachel had activity and wanted to play the game Catch Phrase. She's been begging for a while but we've thought it was over their heads. This week we caved and Glen and I took turns giving clues to the girls. They were getting so into the game; sitting on the edge of their seats, hands clenched, ready for their clues. (If you're not familiar with the game, one person gives clues trying to get their teammate to guess the assigned word). Glen was giving Rach clues and the word he was describing was naughty. Glen said, "When you're not nice you...". Rachel, totally serious and into the game, jumped in and said, "you go to time out." Glen and I started laughing. Sensing that she didn't get it right, she blurted out "you get spanked," not that she has any idea what a real spank is. Glen and I just laughed like crazy. She just wanted to know if she guessed right. Glen said it counted and passed it back to me, still laughing.

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