Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day

When I was in kindergarten, way back when, I somehow got it in my head that on St. Patricks Day the leprechaun's come and bring treats, just like the Easter bunny. Well, a new tradition in the Mason family was born. That first St. Patricks day was awesome to say the least. Our house at the time had lots of dark paneling. I remember the amazement to waking up in the morning and seeing little tiny footprints all over the walls and furniture where the leprechaun's had walked. It was so cool. I then looked all over for my little pot of gold hidden for me full of gold candy.

The tradition continues. Kate and Rachel couldn't wait to find their candy from the leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day. They are getting faster at finding their pots of gold so the leprechauns may need to be trickier next year!

1 comment:

Kylie Walker said...

What a sweet idea to do for St. Patricks day! I will have to remember that one. PS, Connor is looking pretty cute in those new pictures.